Apple Music web app for Ubuntu

Although there is no native Apple Music application for Ubuntu, Apple Music web app has been released .

We wanted to create a quick webapp using Google Chrome in app mode with a desktop launcher. 



  • Creates a desktop web app for Apple Music, using Google Chrome.


  • Ubuntu, Debian, Mint or similar Installed.
  • Google Chrome Browser installed.


  • Download the WhatsApp webapp DEB installation file from the link provided at the bottom of this page.
  • Double click on the DEB file to open and install with the Ubuntu Software Center, or from the command line on other Debian based distros with:
sudo dpkg -i applemusic-webapp_1.0_all.deb
  • Select Apple Music from your Dash or Applications menu to start.


  • Sign in to your Apple Account to access your library.

  • Enjoy Apple Music !




File Apple Music Web Application v1.0 DEB 162.62 KB
